How We Can Help
At HealingMedicine, we use an evidence-based, system-oriented and patient-centered approach that engages both you as a patient and us as practitioners in a therapeutic partnership. We use the functional medicine principles and work methods to better understand you as a unique individ using elaborated questionnaires, advanced laboratory tests, exploring your genetic heritage and environmental conditions, your social relationships, and your mental, emotional and spiritual circumstances.
More often than not, these circumstances are playing an essential role in peoples health and are causes or at least aggravating factors of their chronic conditions. We are very proud to be able to provide you with a unique and highly successful trauma healing approach and help you with problems that couldn’t be dealt with in the past. In this way, each treatment can be tailored to your specific conditions and needs at a truly holistic level. In our practice and approach we allocate and allow the necessary time for us to explore and understand your conditions in depth as well as for you to educate and heal yourself. The entire focus will be on you as we are guiding and helping you along your healing journey.
At the HealingMedicine Clinic, we provide highly trained expertise in the functional medicine approach to your chronic illnesses and health problems. Rather than providing short-term relief by treating symptoms, functional medicine asks not “What?”, but “Why?”, and dives deep into the true sources of dysfunction of the body. Any given symptom can be caused by dozens of underlying issues, and any given dysfunction can cause a multitude of symptoms.
To uncover the hidden origins of disease, we use cutting edge lab work that, paired with caring attentiveness to your story, provides clues to the root cause of your health problems so we can address them effectively and reverse or remove them. Through this approach we keep the focus on and treat YOU, not just an isolated set of symptoms detached from the whole person. This takes time and dedication on the part of the practitioner and participation and engagement on your part.
More often than not, these circumstances are playing an essential role in peoples health and are causes or at least aggravating factors of their chronic conditions. We are very proud to be able to provide you with a unique and highly successful trauma healing approach and help you with problems that couldn’t be dealt with in the past. In this way, each treatment can be tailored to your specific conditions and needs at a truly holistic level. In our practice and approach we allocate and allow the necessary time for us to explore and understand your conditions in depth as well as for you to educate and heal yourself. The entire focus will be on you as we are guiding and helping you along your healing journey.
At the HealingMedicine Clinic, we provide highly trained expertise in the functional medicine approach to your chronic illnesses and health problems. Rather than providing short-term relief by treating symptoms, functional medicine asks not “What?”, but “Why?”, and dives deep into the true sources of dysfunction of the body. Any given symptom can be caused by dozens of underlying issues, and any given dysfunction can cause a multitude of symptoms.
To uncover the hidden origins of disease, we use cutting edge lab work that, paired with caring attentiveness to your story, provides clues to the root cause of your health problems so we can address them effectively and reverse or remove them. Through this approach we keep the focus on and treat YOU, not just an isolated set of symptoms detached from the whole person. This takes time and dedication on the part of the practitioner and participation and engagement on your part.
Medical conditions we can treat or provide assistance with:
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Autoimmune Disease
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolar Disorder
- Diabetes and Insulin Resistance
- Digestive Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Fatigue
- Female Disorders
- Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain
- Gluten Sensitivity
- Hypertension
- Infections (acute and chronic low-grade such as Lyme, Candidiasis, etc.)
- Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
- Male Disorders
- Mercury and Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Migraines and Headaches
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neurodegenerative Disorders
- Skin Disorders
- Stress-related Conditions
- Thyroid, Adrenal, and other Hormonal Disorders
- Weight or Metabolism Conditions
Vi kommer att arbeta tillsammans med dig för att utveckla individuella vårdplaner för ditt/dina tillstånd. Om vi inte kan hjälpa dig kan vi ge dig remisser eller råd om vilken typ av läkare du behöver. Vi behandlar alla förfrågningar känsligt och med största möjliga konfidentialitet.
Tests we offer
Functional and genetic tests for understanding each individual's biochemistry and the underlying causes of diseases and symptoms and therefore tailor fully personalized therapeutical plans. These include, among others:
- blood status, lipids, minerals, vitamins, and other health markers in blood samples
- nutritional deficiencies for mitochondrial function, metabolism, detoxification, etc.
- intestinal permeability (leaky gut)
- bacteria, fungi and parasites in the small intestine (SIBO, SIFO)
- bacteria, fungi and parasites in the large intestine
- food allergies and intolerances
- hormones and neurotransmitters
- genetics
Treatments we provide
Science-based lifestyle interventions based on individuals' biochemistry and genetics, recommendation of top quality, highly targeted and effective nutraceuticals and supplements as well as carefully considered drug treatments when needed.
- many times the body's self-healing capacity is restored when conditions are provided to normalize the body's biochemistry. Studies showed that in most cases (more than 80%) chronic diseases are caused and can be effectively reversed through interventions on modifiable lifestyle factors, such as nutrition and diet, exercise and physical activities, sleep and restoration, chronic stress, and relationships.
- true well-being can only be achieved by addressing all aspects of a human being, the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual. At HealingMedicine, through functional medicine and emotional trauma healing, we can help you achieve that well-being.