Self-Care Questionnaire

Research shows that people who take time to recharge and restore are more creative, happier, and more successful. This questionnaire will help you identify the areas of your life that are well-tended and those that could use more time and attention. This is not meant to be a diagnostic assessment. Instead, it is a tool to help you see what you are doing to care for yourself. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, and some of them may require a bit of thought. Take your time and answer each question to the best of your ability based on your self- care practices right now.


For the following questions, please rank each item on a scale of 0 to 5, as follows:

0 = never 1 = rarely 2 = sometimes 3 = often 4 = regularly 5 = always

Complete 0%
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Physical Wellbeing — How often do you:

1. Eat a whole foods-based diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables?
0 5
2. Drink enough water?
0 5
3. Exercise for more than 20 minutes?
0 5
4. Wake feeling refreshed from sleep?
0 5
5. Sleep at least 7 hours per night?
0 5
6. Make time to relax or nap?
0 5
7. Take time to breathe deeply throughout the day?
0 5
8. Engage in stress-reducing activities (excluding TV or screen time)?
0 5
9. Spend time in nature?
0 5
10. Feel nourished, healthy, and strong?
0 5
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At the HealingMedicine Clinic, we provide highly trained expertise in the functional medicine approach to your chronic illnesses and health problems